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Get 50% Discount Off 6 - Week ReVamp Challenge. During the end of challenge, sign-up for $49/monthly membership.


Get 50 % Off 6 Week Challenge. During the end of challenge, sign-up for $49/monthly membership. Originally Challenge Price: $347 Discounted Challenge Price: $189 Membership Options: 6 months membership: $59 per month 12 months membership: $49 per month PAYMENT PROCESS: Clients will pay $189 upfront for the challenge. Plus, sign up for $49/monthly membership during the end of challenge. Monthly membership starts immediately after challenge. Monthly membetship fees starts at same time. Members sign-up at camp. Rollovers do not apply. This offer seems to provide a great incentive for clients to commit to a reasonable time for an effective weight loss journey while also engaging in a short-term challenge to kickstart their fitness journey. It's straightforward and offers clear benefits to clients. A must win solution to a journey you deserve and need. We accept Cash, Credit, Debit, AfterPay, Affirm, Zelle




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